Voyages > Europe > Poland > Tour de Pologne – the beginning
Tour de Pologne – the beginning

Tour de Pologne – the beginning

About pandemic time travel

After four months of working from home and learning from home, we walked like lions in a cage. We really wanted to travel. We couldn’t wait to plan our trip, pack up and go on tour. This note will be about how the idea for the Tour de Pologne was born.


Tourist apocalypse calendar

  • In January, we were happy as children coming back from the Urals that in June we will be back in Asia as part of Złombol in Turkey.
  • In February we were quite unhappy, because we realized how many interesting places there are in Turkey, and on the way, and that we have to cut something again because our trip would take two months.
  • In March, we found out that you don’t know when you can go anywhere.
  • In April, we found out that we are unlikely to leave town. We had to cancel the planned Easter trip to Belarus.
  • In May we changed the view outside the window from Pole Mokotowskie to Baltic Sea. By the way, in May it was certain that Zlombol would not take place at all this year. In May, we also found out that maybe at the end of June the borders will be open, but in each country, it will be different. Then we decided that this year we are spending our holidays in Poland, most probably in early August. August resulted from various analyses, which said that this would be the first reasonable time to leave home.
  • In June, there was certain information that the children were sitting at home until the holidays. We finished planning our trip in detail.

The concept

For some time we had an idea to drive Poland along the borders. Not by motorways and main roads. But just sideways, through small towns to see the real Poland up close.

We assumed travel lasting no longer than 2 weeks. The basis will be: safety and hygiene.

Travel plan

Route planning

Recent years have taught us that a trip is cheaper, and we can see more.

No unnecessary stress. This holiday, as before, we planned our way, in the Furkot application.

Simple planning spreadsheet.

We have carefully listed the basic places we would like to visit near the Polish borders. We have already visited a lot before. It turned out that such a trip would take more than 3 weeks, and we did not have that much time.

Seemingly, it doesn’t seem to be a very big route to get around Poland, but if you put a ruler on it, it goes out over 4-5 thousand kilometres.

That’s why we removed some places from our route.

The plan was that we would travel around Poland. Most of the basic sights were already visited during other trips. We decided to visit small towns, local museums and open-air museums. It was sure that not everything could be planned, so we were ready to go off the route from time to time, seeing a signpost for something interesting. This is why we were more focused on sights than museums, especially since not all of them have yet opened after the pandemic.

We assumed that we would simply pass through crowded tourist towns. Being curious how the flagship places like Mielno, Szklarska Poręba or Zakopane look like in the “season”, but not enough to stop there.

In other words, we wanted to see up close how people live and how their world looks. We wanted to see Poland of the State Farms and Peasant Self-help shops. Ride among corn and freshly mowed fields.


We were considering various possibilities of accommodation. First of all, safety is crucial.

We assumed that chain hotels will have this aspect serviced at a high level. We will easily find chain hotels on the edge of the country. However, this is the most expensive option.

At the other end we have a tent, where we define the level of hygiene for ourselves. We are sure that no stranger has slept in our bed.

The optimal variant for us are farmhouses, hostels, motels, sometimes flats.

These are accommodation based on a relationship with the host, with whom you can talk to, ask about local matters. This way we better understand what we are visiting.

The food and the way to pack up

We’ve packed for 6 days, and we’ll write about the details in a separate note.

The car is ready!

We set off on July 30, 2020. See you on the road.

The conclusions soon.

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