Rental – Roof top tent
AAAAAA I’ll rent a tent
It will not be a typical offer. It will be a story about how we chose a roof tent. We bet on good products.
Briefly – our tent, the Ocean-Cross Gobi 180, is ready for rental when we are not using it. Always clean and serviced on a regular basis. But why this one… We expect you’ll rent, and then want to have your own.
220×180 vs 220×160 – 20cm which does the job
And now some thoughts on why this one, which is 220×180. Before we chose a particular model, we were looking for a solution for a family of four. In our case, two 12-year-olds (as of 2022) and us. We often read that the smaller models would “get by” or even that the big ones were pointless.
Step one. We started by rolling out a 220×160 centimetre rectangle in the living room. And… it was tight, but it might even be possible to sleep 2-3 nights like that. The main argument for a smaller tent was the fear that the tent would not fit on the car. We measured, thought and decided that on paper 220×180 would fit and there would be no problem.

The second step was fitting to see if it would “click”. The problem was renting such a tent. And this is where the search began. As it turns out, it is virtually impossible to rent such a tent. Through word of mouth, we learned from the producer’s national representative (here we greet Marta!) that the only tent we can borrow is in Olsztyn. It is a long way from Warsaw. But since there is an interesting open-air museum there and a few other interesting travel items nearby, we agreed with Andrzej on a crazy deal of a lifetime – a one-day rental. We say hello to Andrzej. And this way we checked that 20 cm makes a big difference.
The third and final but very important step is to measure your garage, including the entrance and the entrance gate. It is not so obvious whether a car with a tent will fit.
And now to the point. The tent is available from hand in Warsaw, Mokotów. The car needs to have two strong roof bars. Three are recommended. We have four because the seller had only an even number on offer. We can agree on the date. We prefer a longer rental. Deposit in hard currency is 1500 PLN. We sign a contract and in case of damage we count on honesty and co-financing the repair.
Rental cost is 1200 PLN gross per week.
Shipping and installation
The tent is large and bulky, hence shipping is out of the question.
You pick it up and return it in person. It will be nice to talk to you about your impressions and the journey
We will assemble and disassemble it together. If necessary, we will lend you a spanner to tighten the screws.

Want a consultation from experienced travellers? Let us know. Let’s calculate, let’s think, let’s put up an offer.
We speak Polish, English, French and Russian.
Feel free to contact me directly at
➜ marcin@saabvoyage.com
I will answer any questions, above all, from practice and experience.